Monday, August 25, 2008

Saying Hi in the Elevator

This still freaks me out every time it happens. I enter an elevator on the 1st floor (ground floor or floor 0 in Germany). Someone then enters the elevator on, let's say the 3rd floor, and they say hello to me.

My first reaction is almost always to think - "why is this person talking to me?"

Then I remember, ah yes, I am in Germany. This is normal. I then respond, still a bit startled, with a hello, or a good day.


Bek said...

And I thought that was more commonly done here in the US. I am always startled after a "how are ya" from a stranger:)

Holistic Welnesz said...

This is a good practice. It makes life enjoyable and easier and happy.

G in Berlin said...

I also think that is far more common in the US. I lived in NYC for years and we alsways said hello in the elevators. More so than in my apartment building here in Berlin (although I generally say hello first and then others usually respond).

Unknown said...

Always it's a good habit to say hello to new one, so that a good relationship and environment will be created among them.

Kabel Deutschland