Wow, in addition to commuter frustration (three different modes of transportation is a challenge, bus, commuter train, light rail), I have had struggles this week learning English. Let me explain. Here are some of the varieties of English I've been introduced to this week.
English spoken by . . .
An Irishman (german father, but speaks just like the Irish I've seen in the movies. Pretty cool to listen too)
Germans (accustomed to this one, but each person has a few nuances you have to get used to - discussion versus argument)
Spaniards (wow! most of these guys are difficult to understand)
Poles (the two I've met were pretty good)
British (one woman lived in Britain for 9 years, but calls herself German. She speaks both extremely well, but the German has a hint of british accent)
New Zealand (with a Dutch background)
Australia (goes pretty smoothly)
American (worked with him for past 18 months, that is a nice break, but still a switch)
Those are the people I've met thus far. There are a few others from even further nationalities that I haven't even spoken with yet.
Wow, my brain is tired. And I noticed that my German has gone down the drain this week. Learning the new language of the project, and the project management approach (Agile Development) and all of the various forms of English has worn the little engine that could down to the little engine needs a nap. This would be fairly fun and challenging, but I am actually expected to understand what these people are telling me. Also challenging is that I have to upgrade my English and use more proper forms of certain words and phrases.
I did understand from the Spanish guys enough to find out that they are rooting for the LA Lakers in the NBA finals. Pal Gasol, their fellow countrymen, plays for LA. It will make for some good conversation over the next few weeks. I don't like LA. I'm rooting for the Celtics. This is naturally fairly unimportant when compared to the NHL playoffs, which just finished - go Detroit, and the European Cup - Go Germany.
Rathaussturm in Oberursel 2025
3 days ago
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